Hidro Elektronik

Smart Irrigation Distribution Automation System (SIDAS) Project has started with TAGEM R & D Support Program

September 13, 2019
TAGEM R & D Support Program : AKIM Electronic (SIDAS) project has taken its place among the projects that will be supported within the scope of the 15th Call. Project Partners: 1) AKIM Electronic Ltd, Sti. 2) Çukurova University, Department of Agricultural Structures and Irrigation 3) Eastern Mediterranean Agricultural Research Institute

TAGEM R & D Support Program 15. Among the 192 projects submitted to TAGEM General Directorate within the scope of the 15th Project Call, 45 project proposals that passed the preliminary evaluations were discussed at the Evaluation Board Meeting held on 03-04 July 2019. As a result of the Board Meeting, it was decided to accept and support 21 project proposals out of 45 projects.

We are pleased to announce that one of these projects is our Smart Irrigation Distribution Automation System (SIDAS) Project.

In the photos below, our company's general manager, Mr.. Hasan DURU in TAGEM R & D Support Program In the 15th call, the project was decided to be supported.

We believe that SIDAS will bring good luck to our country and the state .... By  AKIM Group ...